Monday, February 18, 2008


I know I have said that about a hundred times! No make that an infinant amount of times. My daughter so beautyful, hair women would kill for. Dark thick curly, more waves than tight curls. People have come up to her for years and admired her hair. And yes, of course she hates it, can't it be straight?, can't it be thinner?, can't I have bangs?, why can't it be lighter color. Why dont you understand? ( I dont know? mental defect I guess).

Oh the days that I actually brushed the hair, put the clips in put the bows in and actually washed it.... I know what at tease.

Ever sense she hit Middle School it goes in a scruntchy, wet, dry, clean or dirty.!!! Everyone does it! (Which they do)....

She begged me to cut it, I did, not short always around shoulder length, thinking maybe she will curl it or something...then up again,...I dont know maybe I should pick my battles, which I try to do...but come on brush it, wash it...(I know then you will have to straighten it again, again the mental defect is showing).

Oh well, the thing that gives me such peace is knowing that one day, as my mother said to me....she will have one like herself. (Ok, I know, I had thick hair I hated to wash and comb, knotts in it..but we wont spend to much time on that one).

And I do have boys, dont get me started on that..actually, they almost spend too much time on their hair! gotta get it cut and the gel!!!

OH well, I better go....Gotta wash my hair

1 comment:

Christine Marx said...

I am anxiously awaiting your "have they lost their minds?" postings mentioned in your debut blog. There are just too many subjects to be covered in this category and remember those you love (and don't love) could be reading your blog about them!

Talk to you soon!